Oh man, here it comes. Looks like maybe a window. We’ve been waiting 9 months for this moment. I know they are there. Like a ghost moving quietly through a dark, misty night. Silent and stealthy, they glide upriver under the cover of darkness. Then stop to rest during the day. That’s where we’ll find ‘em. The silver shadow on the river bottom. You don’t really know they are there. You have to just believe. They were there at this time another time? Maybe they will be there again this time? But they weren’t last time. But maybe back again this time? Because they were there that other time. They have to be around.
Conditions are looking prime. Let me check my schedule. Dang, I have a meeting on Friday. I can move that around. He will understand. It’s like a powder day, right?! If you could get those TPS reports in by Monday, that would be great. Oh well, I can do that Tuesday. Let me talk to the Miss. I know she wanted to do that one thing this weekend. I took a hall pass last weekend. Wonder if I can get away with it again.
Could be a good window. Fresh fish might be moving in. Might be a bunch down low. Maybe the run moved through already on the full moon. Could all be up higher. High tide was middle of the night. They are def mid-river. All that high water might have pushed them downstream. Or are they all jammed up already?
Looks like a window. The first good window. Maybe? How are the flows? Ohhh, dropping. Been big for a while now. Coming into the same flows, I got one in that spot 3 years ago. Good flows for the north fork but too high on the mainstem. We should try the South Fork if it drops much more. Or start up high and by the time we make it downriver the flows will drop. Might still be too muddy. Although could be just turning green. Can you call your buddy for a color check?

Looks like a window. What about the weather? No rain in the forecast. Going to keep dropping. Dropping fast. Might get too low and clear. They will get spooked. Hope it rains again soon. But not too much.
Looks like a window. Might try that one killer river. Wait, it’s a weekend, going to be crowded. We should try the other river this time. Got skunked there last time. Yeah, but what’s his head got the killer fish he posted two years ago there. Oh yeah, that was a nice one. But I’ve done better at the other river. But it’s Saturday, all the guides will be there. I don’t want to go there Sunday because I know the other group will be there. Monday, the old guy who’s retired will be in the best run at first light. What if we go upriver. Then down river. Then back upriver later.
Looks like a good window. Would be nice to swing one up. But we can cover more water out of the boat with the bobber. Numbers or soul fish? Maybe both? Float, get out and swing? Wade into that one good run before the boats get down there. But then the rest of the water is blown. Float it, but get there earlier than everyone else. But then, if I get out to swing, the other boats are going to pass us. Then the rest of the water is blown. Hike further than everyone else. Then loose a bunch of fishing time. Float something gnarlier than the other guys? Camp on the river. Skip the comfortable hotel and wake up on the gravel bar with your waders on and rod in hand before the other guys have had coffee.
Looks like a good window. Hard to sleep at night knowing the silver ghost is back in town. Where are you heading this weekend?