Home Archives for Andrew Guibord
I recently turned 62 years young, and I’m a longtime fly-fishing addict. My drug of choice is swinging…
What has kept me faithfully wedded to casting a hook with a fly line over so many years?…
It’s late night. Leaning back in my hard wooden chair, I take a moment to stretch and yawn.…
I lie in bed with my cat curled up my arms, purring. The sun has risen again, the…
In search of the Central Valley striped bass, I must have made a million casts and stripped streamers…
It’s early morning, the cool time prior to the impending heat of a sweltering summer day. I’m sitting…
When I was little boy in the suburbs of Detroit, I meandered along a neighborhood creek, wanting to…
In Hamlet, Shakespeare wrote, “A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and…
You never forget your first time. For me, it wasn’t until I was in my mid-twenties. I had…
I shiver, awakening from deep sleep. Goosebumps signal a welcome chill in the morning air. I roll over…