Robert Ketley

Robert Ketley

Robert was born in London, England, during the swinging 60s. He spent the first half of his life learning two things - fly fishing and marine biology. He moved to California in 1985 and became a US citizen in 1995. His career path has been anything but predictable, with varying amounts of time working as an auto mechanic, marine bioassayist, pharmaceutical sales rep, sewage inspector, head garbage guy, and manager of a toxic lake. For the past ten years, he has been on the Board of the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County, helping to remove dams and restore many miles of trout, steelhead, and salmon habitat. While he enjoys fishing small streams, his main passion is big waters, such as lakes, reservoirs, and the Pacific Ocean. If there is one thing that drives his fly fishing interests these day, it’s experimentation. He is happiest when a fish “almost” takes his fly and a new experiment begins.
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