The Popsicle

Every steelhead that comes to hand is a memorable gift from the river. I still smile when I remember one particular time that happened. It was like a long-anticipated blind date.

I was dressed appropriately for the occasion, standing in Sacramento’s American River in waders, rain jacket, and wool hat on a cold, gray January morning. The bridge above me was backed up with commuter traffic inching into the daily grind. The previous evening, my mentor, Joe Shirshak, had assured me that I would meet up with a steelhead if I looked for her hanging out among the clay heads in the run just up from the Watt Avenue bridge. There I waded with rod in hand. Rather than a bouquet as a present for my prospective date, I would offer a marabou fly known as a Popsicle that was soon to become a favorite of mine.

I had wanted to meet a steelhead for quite some time. I stood in the current, nervous and doubtful, having been repeatedly spurned. I cast my hooked offering toward the submerged clay. The fly descended a foot or so under the water from the weight of my Type 3 shooting head. An upstream mend slowed the fly’s swing, giving it more time for my date to scrutinize and appreciate my tying prowess. I cast again, took a step downstream, cast again, took a step . . . and my line tightened. There she was, leaping into the air, her scaly silver sequins glittering before she splashed down, diving for the bottom. She sped away, playing hard to get. She was in this river for sex, but not with me, because I’m definitely not her type.

I just wanted to hold her for a few seconds and see what it’s like to touch a goddess. She tired, and I reeled her in and sighed, she was so beautiful. I removed the barbless hook, thanked her for choosing my fly, apologized, and released her back into the river to find her Prince Charming.

As she swam away, I looked at the wet marabou fly matted to my skin. I dangled it underwater, admiring how it moved so easily, appearing so alive, animated by the river pulsing through the feathers. The Popsicle, designed by George Cook, is an effective pattern that every steelheader should learn to tie. Here is how to tie my version.

Insert a size 5 Alec Jackson classic up-eye steelhead hook and attach fluorescent pink 8/0 thread an eighth of an inch behind the eye. Wrap halfway down the shank and back to the starting point. Tie in one strand of holographic silver tinsel and wind it back along the shank, stopping above the hook point, then wrap it forward to the original tie-in point. Snip away the excess. Return the thread about threeeighths an inch back from the eye and tie in a length of fluorescent pink chenille. Wrap a small ball and snip away the excess. Add eight strands of silver Flashabou against the front of the ball so it props them up and they extend about two inches behind the hook bend.

Finish the fly by tying in marabou plumes in three different colors. First, tie in an orange plume by the tip in front of and against the ball. Wrap forward five close turns toward the eye and snip away the excess. Then tie in a purple plume a little shorter than the orange and wrap seven turns. Finish with five turns of black shorter than the purple. Whip finish, varnish the thread head, and you are done.

Cook’s Popsicle can be tied in many different color combinations. Make it as elaborate as desired. The Hobo Spey designed by Charles St. Pierre is a deadly example of an offshoot of the Popsicle. I especially like to fish the Popsicle in the slower sections of a run. It catches fish. Cast one on your favorite river and get ready to feel the grab.